Mantras Space is a gift to anyone who would like a daily practise of Sanskrit. For each day of the week there is a set clip and lyrics that you can listen to and follow along to. £50 will give you access to Mantras Space permanently. We will be recording new mantras in 2023 and creating a 2nd access area within the Mantras space site for those who may like to buy the next round of Mantras. 

£50 / non refundable

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What is about? What is it for?

Continuous cycles, arising, departing, coming and going, arriving and returning. With the cycles of the 7 day week, if we connect to certain Mantras we can 'tune' and align our energy fields to 'go with the flow' and instead of getting left behind, so to speak, we continue freely.

How does work? As in, what are people going to be doing?

Each day of the week, visit and play the audio for the mantra whilst following along with the text. It is important to sit quietly, listen, and repeat the chants. Let them percolate, let them resonate, let them become part of you. Soon you won't need to visit the website and the mantras will be with you! Then as you first start, whenever you remember during the day, call to mind the mantra for that day, any part of the mantra, it does not have to be all of it! Even just one word. The Audios will guide you!

What if I don't know any Sanskrit?

You don't need to know any Sanskrit, just listen carefully to the recordings which will take you through the mantras. You don't need to learn them in the first week. If get into a routine of every Monday listening to the Monday audio, every Tuesday, the Tuesday audio etc, they will soon be with you where ever you are!

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