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Celestial Journey

Rapallo, Italy 2025

Thursday 26th - Sunday 29th June

Open to ALL, whether you've sung in cosmic choir before or are just starting now! If you are new to cosmic choir you may like to go through what we learned previously  via these videos available in theGaiea Sanskrit shop if you cannot make the other days, you're welcome to watch the concert on the Saturday!

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"I am completely bowled over by the series. Good that you were persuaded to include a particularly low moment of doubt about the project, which I recognise and I know everyone else will as well. It must have taken a great deal of courage at times to carry on. But it is amazing, no one could fail to be moved by your openness, perseverance and the way you allowed these amazing people to tell their stories. And how they showed what a wonderful world this really is. And how deep within us all there's a truth, compared to which this amazing world is but a shadow. Your dad must be very proud! And tell me the best place to write a review!!!" N Daw

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The cosmic choirs around the world have just come together and sang in a concert in the Netherlands and at La La Land festival. Next we will start a new term of rehearsals in September and learn new songs! More info coming soon.

"Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing Thanks for all the joy they're bringing Who can live without it? I ask in all honesty What would life be? Without a song or a dance, what are we? So I say thank you for the music For giving it to me' Thank you for the music, for all your hard work and dedication, even during this difficult year. You have brought me and many others so much joy, so much beauty, shown us all so much love... the words thank you don't seem enough. You have always been the Cosmic Choirs mother, showing such love, devotion and caring. We are truly blessed. For me these past few years have also been challenging, but the one true light that broke through and brought me so much happiness is being able to sing. To sing then in Sanskrit, to learn these incredible songs, to work and learn with others... truly joy and I feel so lucky to have been a part of it." - Cosmic Choir Member

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